The theatre adaptation of Studio Ghibli’s beloved animation sold out in Japan in four minutes. As it comes to the UK, we meet the international team of creatives bringing its giant dragons and tiny soot sprites to life
The dragon stirs to life as Toby Olié plucks it up by its tail. He spirals it through the air and, quick as ripping off a plaster, tears the creature in two. “Even when he was curled up on the floor,” the puppet designer says, undoing another of the dragon’s joints, “he took up too much space.” Olié sticks the body back together, a little shorter but more malleable now, and the tail wriggles back into being.
Best known for his work on War Horse, Olié is holding a miniature prototype for Haku, a boy who transforms into an enormous serpentine dragon. Haku is one of the leading characters in Hayao Miyazaki’s exquisite animation Spirited Away, which has been adapted into a major stage production. For the last four years, the creative team have been conjuring, tweaking and perfecting Miyazaki’s world of gods and monsters in three dimensions. The full-sized dragon, for whom Olié took inspiration from fan art as well as close studies of the film, is now more than four metres long, with 4,000 hairs inserted individually down his spine, ears that pin back when he’s scared, and a body powerful enough to carry a child on his back as he flies. Continue reading...
The dragon stirs to life as Toby Olié plucks it up by its tail. He spirals it through the air and, quick as ripping off a plaster, tears the creature in two. “Even when he was curled up on the floor,” the puppet designer says, undoing another of the dragon’s joints, “he took up too much space.” Olié sticks the body back together, a little shorter but more malleable now, and the tail wriggles back into being.
Best known for his work on War Horse, Olié is holding a miniature prototype for Haku, a boy who transforms into an enormous serpentine dragon. Haku is one of the leading characters in Hayao Miyazaki’s exquisite animation Spirited Away, which has been adapted into a major stage production. For the last four years, the creative team have been conjuring, tweaking and perfecting Miyazaki’s world of gods and monsters in three dimensions. The full-sized dragon, for whom Olié took inspiration from fan art as well as close studies of the film, is now more than four metres long, with 4,000 hairs inserted individually down his spine, ears that pin back when he’s scared, and a body powerful enough to carry a child on his back as he flies. Continue reading...
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