The eight contestants competing to sell tacky multimillion-pound houses in this Apprentice-style show are so bad they’d struggle to sell ecstacy at a rave. Watching them flounder is a joy
What happens when you combine the drone shots and growling pomp of The Apprentice with the super-prime real estate and saying-nothing-while-holding-a-champagne-glass glamour of Selling Sunset? Well, you get the same programme twice, actually: Crazy Rich Agents, which is BBC Two’s latest one, and Selling Super Houses, which is Channel 4’s.
Is it interesting or strange that two of the UK’s leading channels have essentially made the same show in different flavours (roughly: eight people compete in a series of half-challenges to prove they are the best high-end estate agent going; the last one standing gets a job)? The answer is: both. I needn’t tell you what’s going on with housing in this country – how’s your mortgage? Or worse, your rent? Well yeah, exactly – and the sheer real-lifeness of UK housing right now demands one of two TV reactions. Programmes either make hard-hitting demands for rent/interest-rate controls via gritty heart-changing documentaries that loudly whistle-blow about the corrupted future that looms if nothing is done. Or – and hear me out! Hear me out! – we all get to look at nice houses we can’t afford instead. So anyway, here’s Selling Super Houses. Continue reading...
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