An old video of me is on the school curriculum! Unfortunately, I am shocked by my own arguments | Zoe Williams

In one of my daughter’s classes, she was shown footage of me talking about ethics a decade ago. The views I’m espousing made me double-take “You were in our PBE video,” my youngest said, when she got home from school. I find it hard to disaggregate the acronym lessons in the timetable, and tend to assume everything is PE. It struck me as unlikely, however, that I’d be in a PE video, so I dredged my brain and found “philosophy, beliefs and ethics”. Sure, that checks out. I have beliefs, a couple of ethics. I must have said them in a video at some point or other. “I said you were my mum, and nobody believed me,” she continued, and I said: “Why? Are you known for making up weird lies?” And she said: “That too, but also, different surnames. Then, when the teacher believed me, she asked if you’d come in and talk to the class, and I said you’d probably like that but, from my point of view, absolutely no way.” Zoe Williams is a Guardian columnist Continue reading...

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