Not a lot of people know that: I can’t help dropping juicy facts into conversations | Adrian Chiles

As my father’s son, I have discovered the pleasures of sharing random bits of interesting information with people – regardless of what we’re talking about Just before Christmas I stumbled on a random but interesting fact about something. I felt certain that said fact wasn’t widely known, and so everybody – apart from the cleverest of clever dicks – would find it diverting. I was in a hurry to share; such a hurry, in fact, that I found it frustrating to conform to conversational norms. You know, finding a way of steering the subject matter into the right area so you can lob in your fact-bomb all casual-like. I resolved instead to just drop it in, apropos of nothing at all, whenever it suited me. My inspiration for this was my dad, who is only too happy to come out with random stuff completely out of the blue. For example: “Did you know that UHT milk is much improved? It now tastes like normal milk, so there’s no point buying normal milk any more.” At first I found this kind of thing from him amusing, then annoying. But ultimately I felt envious. How liberating just to be able to come right out with it. Adrian Chiles is a writer, broadcaster and Guardian columnist Continue reading...

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