Avatar 2 and Glass Onion prove cinema is back – but too late to save theatres?
UK box office is expected to climb to £950m this year and £1.12bn next year, just more than £100m s…
UK box office is expected to climb to £950m this year and £1.12bn next year, just more than £100m s…
Air raid alarms sounded in Kyiv shortly after 2am and infrastructure was targeted, but ‘no hits’, s…
Despite many forecasts, a worldwide downturn in 2023 is not inevitable – and it can be avoided The…
UN World Tourism Organization’s list of 32 best places worldwide for small community tourism also i…
The case of Pamela Moses sparked a national outcry – but newly uncovered documents reveal the exten…
Trade was ‘luckiest’ in draw and number 39 was best-bet for jackpots, finds operator Camelot Buil…
From a Bond-themed party on a superyacht hotel to a £7,585 Gleneagles stay, money seems to be no ob…
Cop15’s long-awaited agreement will be closely watched, says the Guardian’s biodiversity editor, bu…
Musicians are reclaiming their roots and languages, fighting for the rights of their people – and s…
Actor Callow, 73 and Fox, 40, who works in the tech industry, were introduced by a mutual friend at…
Wizard of wordplay Frank Paul shares some of his trickiest brainteasers Film poem The names of 16…
Deadline is 31 January, although there will then be six-month grace period with such post still del…
Covid-19 situation across the strait, and concern at home sparked by Taiwan’s reopening for travel,…
Officials have refused to issue emergency documents to Michael Omidire, 21, who travelled to countr…
British nationals and EU spouses say they were told by Home Office that children born abroad are no…
A new book features the personal photography collection of Judy Glickman Lauder – and tells the sto…
It was another big year for bizarre news stories, but how good is your recall? Test your knowledge,…
Another week and more drownings in the Channel. Politicians’ words of regret are hypocritical: they…
The kiosks promised to make life easier for shoppers and stores. Instead, they’ve done the opposite…
With only two mentions of the word ‘ocean’ in the latest 5,000-word working agreement, delegates fe…
Met police begin investigation after thousands of people force entry into O2 Academy during perform…
Norway’s world No 1, 32, did not lose a single game in his 22-4 victory, and achieved the rare feat…
The efforts, including restoring grassland in the Georgian steppe, will work in cooperation with lo…
Authorities concerned that death toll from people being hit by cars while sleeping on roads will in…
The beloved writer and editor, who edited 35 years of Alice Walker’s journals, died earlier this ye…
Association of Directors of Children’s Services says delays mean parents can no longer cope with ch…
With high salt levels in traditional dishes linked to disease, health campaigners are urging change…
Try your hand at these puzzles for smart 12-year-olds What do you get when you combine mathematics…
This affecting documentary follows Swiss biochemist Jacques Dubochet as he turns the sudden fame pr…
French photographer Thaddé Comar spent months documenting the struggle of protesters in Hong Kong, …
From a fruit to a fish, test your knowledge with the Saturday quiz 1 Which US president won the No…
While all six reactors have been shut down, move by Russia heightens fears of radiation dangers *…
Senegal’s capital has a labyrinth of backstreet workshops where makers cut and sew, and its annual …
In an inspiring new documentary, the preacher and activist talks about his tireless quest for racia…
David Tennant plays the former Russian spy who was poisoned in London then reported his own murder …
Whether shooting street photography or art for art’s sake, the late Chinese artist spent a lifetime…
As fees are to rise by as much as 19% in the new year many families are considering cheaper options…
Featuring obsolete technology, natural printmaking and African mythology, this year’s event repeats…
Richard J Scheuer’s previously unseen photographs from 1934 depict ordinary people going about thei…
More than 100 photographers are making their fine art prints available to Vital Impacts, an women-o…
The Qatari capital’s $36bn underground rail network is a hive of activity – but its construction ha…
Lab-grown nerve cells will replace those destroyed by disease – scientists hope treatment may be av…
Policy could distract party from pushing through other urgent measures, leader is told Keir Starme…
Labour will set the country on a more dynamic path by handing powers to cities and regions and rein…
A decade after the Sandy Hook shooting, the Democrat believes the US is ready to embrace change aro…
A snowy cross-country walking break is even more beautiful – and fun – when you combine the hiking …
In revelatory tapes that have never been heard before, journalist Richard Stengel probes Mandela’s …
Gory getaways are all the rage, thanks to glamorous extras, contemporary themes and a taste for esc…