So many women who couldn’t care less about football were in tears, because they understood what it meant
If you want a job doing, ask a woman.
So the former sports minister (and girls’ football coach) Tracey Crouch tweeted, tongue firmly in cheek, as the whistle blew at Wembley on Sunday. All those years of waiting, wanting and arguing over why football wasn’t coming home, and it turns out the nation was looking in the wrong place all the time. It wasn’t England men’s squad who would end the years of hurt, but the women’s, beating Germany in a tense and thrilling final watched by a record-breaking crowd at Wembley and millions more at home. The nail-biting finish was the most-watched five minutes of television this year, and left barely a dry eye in the house. Never again can broadcasters deny women’s sport airtime with the feeble excuse that nobody wants to watch it. Continue reading...
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