Watford LGBTQ+ groups score victory but football still has a long way to go | Max Rushden

There are reasons to be positive but the experiences of the LGBTQ+ community show there is still endemic homophobia in the game Last week two Watford supporters’ groups successfully campaigned to have their side’s friendly with Qatar called off. Women of Watford and the LGBTQ+ supporters’ group Proud Hornets tweeted their disdain after the fixture was announced. They discussed their concerns and Watford pulled out. “The game was never finalised and it became abundantly clear this was a game not to play; as such, the schedule was revised,” a club spokesperson said. Qatar’s Football Association said it had received a number of offers to play friendly matches. “We selected some friendly matches with various European teams and Watford was not among these matches that the team will play.” Continue reading...

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